Hey Silly Goose Gang I’m Trin!

I am a Queer BIPOC Intuitive, an Aries Menace, and all around Silly Goose!!

Before I was out (as queer and intuitive) I grew up in a “spirit filled” church. They liked to think because they were into gifts of the spirit, speaking in tongues, and prophesying that they weren’t like other christian groups. Unfortunately they were, and for a long time I was stuck in the closet; afraid of my gifts and my sexuality.

Now I’m out and proud, I’ve deconstructed from my faith and spent a lot of time healing from my own religious trauma.

As an intuitive guide something that I believe in fully and enthusiastically is helping others find their own relationship with the Divine/Creator/Universe. However you choose to label that which we can’t see but know is there is up to you; humans need label but the divine does not.

I hope to put my gifts and past experience to use in helping you learn more about yourself!

Be Blessed, Be Free, Be Silly!